April 30, 2011

5 weeks old

Tomorrow the twins will be 5 weeks old. We are just one day before with our modelling job,because the temperatures are so lovly today.
I have decidet to not keep any,but let one of them go in silverbreeding program.
Fayette was my plan all the time,but there have might come a little luxery problem.
She has all the time looked very silverish in her face.
There can be a tiny chance that their mother( and grandma and great grandma) actually are silver-siamese cats,but have been registrated wrong when they was babies.
Silver and siamese can very often be hard to see and we can not gene teste for it at the time.
I can not do anything about it,because in my papers they are non-silvers.
The kittens grandma has lived in my home,and in my eyes she was a beautiful sealpointed siamese,and for me their mother,Maiden is a beautiful bluepointed siamese.
There is also another possibility. Fayette is maby not a silver baby, but have frosted/fevercoat in her face and neck. Then it will disapear when she grows.
But I do not want to take any chances.
I love silvercats and had also one in the past. But then it was a correctly pedigree :-)
Fayette have in my eyes the best type,but both girls have wonderful temper and wonderful breeding qualitees.
But they will change alot in the next couple of weeks,so who knows, we might be surprised:-)




