After a very cold January, and half of February it's finally cosy and warm outside in our Wintergarden again on sunny days.
The girls loves to snuggle and play there. Yesterday I made new pictures of them.
Billie, Sassy and their halfsister Ophelia. All 3 of them are developing so nice.
Billie :
Our little beauty in every way. Daddy's mini-me.
Sassy :
My naughty big stamp. It's still a struggle to make pictures of her, because she is still not interesting in sitting still. But yesterday I manage to take some, who shows her true beauty.
Ophelia :
She is a mini version of her mother,Scarlett in so many ways. Super colourful, elegant, amazing green eyes and a tail to die for.
Billie and Sassy will be mated as soon as they decide to call. They have been calling very often during the Winter, but now close to Spring they decidet to have a break. We are not planning any litter for Ophelia , as we are hoping it will soon be possible to let her move to her foreighn home. But if this Covid-19 and problems with traveling continues , we might have to make a plan for her as well.
Remember, even this page is not beeing updated so often right now , we are also on FB AttacksCattery .