September 12, 2015

So proud of.....

Last Spring  , actually April 15th - 2014 we got a very colourful litter of 5.
3 boys and 2 girls.  The girls were very special from the very first moment.
One of the girls was like a tiny little baby-bird when she was born. Her weight was only a bit over 60gram. My kittens  has normally a birth weight around 80 -110 gram. Some are even bigger. The biggest baby ever born in our Cattery was almost 130 gram.
To get more frustrated, the little mini-baby refused to get bottle fed , little stubborn tortie.

But stubborn was good! She had lots to growing to do, and was smaller than her siblings for many weeks.
But she did gain between 10 and 15 gram daily after a while.  She did grew up to a very healthy, happy and colourful sunshine girl, together with her sister.

We had lots of request on the sisters, but we were not sure if we wanted to sell any of the girls.
In Fife` noone of the girls was any showgirls, since most of the jugdes prefer extreme cats.
But in our breedingprogram the pedigrees and lots of other qualities comes before a set of big lowplaced ears. But don't misunderstand me, I love extreme Fife`cats as long as they also got a beautiful face with a pair of beautiful eyes.

A kittenbyer came all the way from USA to Norway to pick up another cat with us, and she asked us in the sweetest way.... if we ever should change our mind, was there any chance of having one of the colourful sisters?

Hmm?? We had to make alot of thinking, and we explained over and over again, noone of the girls are wow-types here in Fife`.

The sweet lady went home with her cat to California, and we continued thinking.
We decidet to sell the girl who was smallest by birth , (N) Attack's Cupid's Coctail.
The sisters got everything, just not the big and lowplaced ears, and a bit round eyes.

"Coctail" went later to USA, together with Carolynn, and suddenly it was decidet that Coctail was going to be brought on CFA shows.
Oh dear! I did not know what to belive. I just hoped the kitty behaved well, showed her good temper and that she and the owner would have a great time.

I have wrote about all this a long time ago in my blog,
So to make the story short , Coctail made it VERY WELL in her show season.

In just some very few shows in US a one in Germany ......

Southwest regional awards :
10th best cat.

And in total - in the world :
2nd Best Oriental Shorthair.

That is huge! The competion in CFA is together with lots of different cat breeds, and lots of different rings -  totally different to Fife`where they are only compeete with their own breed/category. So winning anything is not easy at all.

So this Summer the proud  owner could pick up her awards, and they had also made a copy to us!

We wish Coctail and her new mommy all the best for the future, she knows that ;-)